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Countries=USA. David S. Goyer. genre=Drama. Directed by=Christopher Nolan. 9 of 10. Gotham's new District Attorney has been elected. His name is Harvey Dent, and he has a radical new agenda that threatens to take down Gotham's organized crime underworld once and for all with an iron fist. But the emergence of the rogue vigilante known as Batman has caused problems for Dent and his agenda. A new criminal mastermind known only as "The Joker" has arrived and aims to take Gotham out from under Harvey Dent's iron fist. The Joker stages a masterfully planned bank robbery and robs the Gotham mob blind. He uses this money to stage a series of horrific and strategic attacks against the city and its people, each one carefully planned and aimed at Dent and Batman, while causing the rest of the city to enter panic mode. Meanwhile, Batman thinks he might have found a lead to The Joker thanks to Wayne Enterprises' dealings with a shady Chinese banker, and that takes Batman and Alfred to Hong Kong. The Joker has no rules, but Batman has only one, and the Joker aims to make Batman break his only rule. But who will be the one to take him out, will it be rogue vigilante Batman, or will it be elected official Harvey Dent, the new hero with a face?




The Dark Knight 2008 Movie Online Full HD free download. The Dark Knight 2008 Movie Online Full. The Dark Knight is a spectacular, and chaotically brilliant movie/film, that possesses the essence that should be always be present in the transition from comic-book adaptations to big-screen blockbuster hits. Scene after scene, this movie is absolutely amazing and breathtaking, whether its the Joker doing his sinister laugh time after time, or the idea that Christopher Nolan can flip an eighteen-wheeler in the streets of Chicago at night,this film lacks nothing. Also, as an ode to chaos and anarchy, the late Heath Ledger is fabulous as portraying the role of the Joker, seeming hostile yet sinister at the same time. This is by far the best film of this past year, hands down. The Dark Knight goes where no comic-book adaptation has gone before. I encourage everyone to see this film if you haven't already done so.

I know this is pointless since it will be in 3,000 other reviews and no one will ever read it but, whatever. Anyways, on with the review. OK, I'll admit it. When I went and first saw this movie in the theatre, I thought it was amazing. I even did what other people did and started quoting the joker all the time (and good lord did that get burnt out REAL fast. But then I bought the movie and kind of thought to myself, you know what, I should actually try to analyze this movie as a whole and not just pay attention to one persons performance(aka Heath Ledger. So I sat down and watched it and I realized. Holy crap this movie is bad, REALLY bad, I did not realize how many plot holes this dang thing had, and the fact that it is in IMDb's top 10 best movies of all time is just insane.
Look, I'm sorry Christopher Nolan fans but, I have to give you the gods honest truth. This movie is not top 10 worthy. I think the only reason why this movie has such a high rating is because of obsessive Heath Ledger fans and the Christopher Nolan fans who can't stop sucking on his tit. They think he can do no wrong. Well that's what this movie is, wrong. I mean c'mon, you Christopher Nolan fans are telling me that you can honestly sit there and tell me this movie is better than these (and yes Dark Knight is currently ranked higher than all these movies I listed. Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Terminator 2, The original Star Wars, American History X, The Lord of the Rings, Fight Club, Forrest Gump, The Matrix, The Silence of the Lambs, Citizen Kane and Full Metal Jacket? No, no, no, no, no, no, absolutely not. I'm sorry mister Nolan but, you're obviously really good at brainwashing your fan base. That's the only explanation I've got is that Christopher has discovered how to hypnotize people and he can do it very well. It's ratings on movies like this that really make me think about how stupid society is nowadays. I'm sorry if I sound a little aggressive in this review but, I honestly feel this movie does not deserve the HUGE spotlight that everyone gave it.

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